
Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Faces!!

Lunch Today: Jackolantern Quesadillas with Roasted Pumpkin Seeds!
Jacko'lantern Twins??? TinkerBell -Turned out Better than I thought it would.


NaDell said...

Cute. I was trying to do an orange theme for breakfast and lunch for the kids, too. I did better yesterday on that. Additions to lunch: Tang, Cheetos, Carrots.
I love the "spooky" face next to the pumpkin. That's great!

Anonymous said...

Oh fun! Let me tell you next year will be so much better for me. I will actually take good pictures and carve pumpkins. Those are good pumpkins!

Anonymous said...

Oh fun! Let me tell you next year will be so much better for me. I will actually take good pictures and carve pumpkins. Those are good pumpkins!