Tonight we took the girls to a parade with their cousins. Whitney made this sign and held it up through about 90 percent of the time -It says "go" about 15 times on it.. I asked her who she was cheering on and she said the whole was funny because alot of the parade participants that walked near her shook her hand or gave her high fives...
And then there was Amber who jumped up and down more excitedly than any other kid around her-you'd think she was opening birthday presents. She would wave both hands in the air and whenever a band came by she would march with them and pretend to play either a trumpet or trumbone-I think she would switch. Here is a picture of that (and whitney holding her sign up):
By the end of this 3+ hr parade we were all looking pretty tired as you can see in the next photo:
Try not to laugh too hard!!!
CUTE girls! I love looking at your blog and seeing what is new and looking at pictures of your family. Yes you may add a link to your page to get to mine. How dod you do that by the way??? I really like ashlyn's highchair. We got it at target.
Looks like a lot of fun and parades are always so much fun. I've never been to a parade at night. It's gotta be a lot cooler than the day ones!!
Arin, I just found out how to get to your blog, I'm still pretty new at this whole “blogging” thing. I couldn't figure how to get to your webpage from your comment on mine. Anyways, just thought I would say hello. You have such a lovely family, your girls definitely look like their mom. Looks like you guys had a blast at the parade.
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