Joe finally got a job about three weeks ago and so I have finally been able to get a schedule going again. It is really nice because he comes home for lunch and so i still get to see him during the daytime. I was just getting used to the new change-when the stomach flu hit our house and cycled back to hit Brooke twice. Whenever my family is sick-it just puts everything on hold and laundry is the first thing to get backed up. I am so glad that it's finally over and we are all doing better.
The girls finished with Spring soccer and both did fabulous-Whitney scored an amazing shot! Amber's last day for school was last Wednesday and Whitney doesn't get out until this Friday. They will both have summer chores and summer school with mom to do before they get to play for the rest of their day-I think i will let them have one week break before I get started..and also give me a little extra time to prepare. I have so many goals this summer for my family:
- Finish losing the rest of my unwanted weight
- Get Amber 2nd grade ready
- Teach Amber to ride her bike without training wheels
- Teach both of the older girls to swim
- Have a second chance honeymoon in Oregon with my hubby for our 10yr anniversary
- Potty Train Brooke-we are making headway already and I am so excited!!
- Trevor walking
- Visit temple as often as we can (before it closes for work being done on it).