
Monday, February 18, 2008

Fussy and Messy Misses

Brooke has a cold and so with that comes less sleep (naps and at night) tougher feedings as she can't breathe as well through her nose-and that causes air gasping which causes gas-fussiness, so it hasn't been a fun day so far. She wants constant holding and I feel I haven't been able to do much in the way of housechores-at least there is clean laundry-not folded yet i might add. And because my elder two daughters are forever making messes, it makes me want to just throw every item that is misplaced in the garbage-just so i don't have to see it anymore. ANyone else ever feel that way. I am very excited that we are getting bunkbeds for the girls-there will be more room for them to play in "their" room and maybe it will help confine all of their stuff to one area of our apt.


Jake and Angie said...

I feel that way all the time!!!!

Btflgal said...

Abby just went through a horrible cold... I mean HORRIBLE. I went to the pharmacy and they told me Abby was able to take Children's Sudafed (liquid) as well as Children's Mucinex (generic) at the same time... It doesn't help the cold, it still lasted about 10 days, but it did make it tolerable. (The Mucinex made it so there was less snot in her sinuses AND out her nose. The Sudafed helped drainage.)

P.S. I changed my blog security. If you would like, give me your email, and I will send you an invite. :)

Btflgal said...

Sorry forgot to post email:

Brooklet said...

Uh, yeah, definitely. Morgan had a cold last week that made it so she didn't really sleep well at all! Thankfully, illness pass, and you will get around to folding the laundry. Just remember that!

Brian and Jennifer said...

This is a constant battle in our house. I feel like that all the time. And it's so much worse when you have sick kids.