
Monday, June 01, 2009

Crazy Old navy ....the wait was worth it.!!

Okay so some of my friends and familiy thought I was crazy because I was stationed at my computer all night Saturday and most of the day Sunday to try and find the tricky $75 off $100 purchase at Old Navy Coupon. Well guess what?? I snagged one and went with my family today to get some shorts for the girls, a pair for myself, and jeans for Joe. My total before the coupon was $113. After the coupon: $7.41. WHAT???!!! I guess these coupons are ringing up as $100 off (before taxes too) instead of $75 off and there isn't a way for the cashier to override I was super ecstatic to get such a deal. My family very much needed the clothes and I still can't believe how lucky I was to get them all for $1 an item. Still freakin' out about it!! SO COOL!!!


NaDell said...

That's great! Especially at the place you guys are at right now with little tiny kids and no job (no job still, right?)
Blessings come to those who wait.

Mikaela said...

Seriously impressed! That is so exciting!

Jake and Angie said...

Wow, I am impressed too!. Congrats!

5dollarFanatic said...

no-Joe's last employer hired him back on end of Feb, big paycut with no benefits-but it's a job.