
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Ultimate Blog Party!!

Welcome all you Ultimate Blog Party Goers!!
If you aren't familiar with  5MinutesForMom you should pop on over there and see what this party is all about-tons of giveaways and the opportunity to meet more amazing bloggers like you!!

I wanted to just say a little bit about myself to the new visitors:
I am a mommy of one boy age 2 and three girls ages 9,7, 4  with another girl on the way (August). Wife of 10 (almost 11) years to a wonderful husband who will do anything for his family. I am so lucky in my choice of companion!! I love to save money and keep a clean house and have fun with my family when I can. I love to dance- in any form. I love to play sports when I have the time-basketball, volleyball and softball. I love to make my house a home and am continually working on some area of my house. I usually keep this blog up to keep my family and friends updated on my life and also to share the fun things I find. I am Independent consultant for Paparazzi Accessories-which I absolutely love- $5 accesssories??SAY WHAT?? OH YEAH!!  My family keeps me busy and when they don't..I have plenty to keep myself busy with.  I have to say I love being busy and active -when I'm not struck down with morning sickness.  I am one of those people who really doesn't not like anyone-I was talking to a gal lately abt this and I really can't say that I dislike or hate anyone-even though they may have done something awful to me, I forgive and then get over it and am friends again.  Maybe I'm too trusting and inclusive-but it's better than the opposite right?  SO hopefully that gives you an idea about me-if you didn't know me already!!  Anyway-I hope you all enjoy my blog and are welcome to come back often.  And I am also doing a giveaway on my Facebook page head over there and like me to be entered-it ends on Friday 4/20!!

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