
Monday, April 30, 2012

Bountiful Baskets-my thoughts here is my first impression of bountiful baskets. I wasn't able to get a picture of my basket because my husband had already cut up the mango, watermelon and strawberries-needless to say those and about 1/2 the apples are gone as well as the broccoli- they have already been eaten.  While my variety is different than the one below by only quantity-(I got 2 beets-3 tomatoes and maybe one more banana)..this picture is a good comparison to what i received last Saturday. I really like it-considering half is almost gone by day 3....I'm thinking i may need to order more often. I had wanted to purchase extra strawberries last week-but they were all gone.  So If I still do every other week but am able to do a few add ons-I think every 2 weeks will still work for my family.   i definitely enjoy the variety so far and it is encouraging me to make my meals around what I'm getting-which means my family is going to be eating a lot more veggies for sure--which is so nice in warmer weather. Tons of salads in the recipe forecast!!  We already made broccoli  salad-and will be making a casserole later this week with the cauliflower. The green beans are on the menu for tomorrow night..still leaves the beets to figure out-as a child i hated not sure those will get used at all..but will try to make something work.  The fruit will get downed by my children as snacks-they love fruit.  And tomatoes are always a staple in our house for salsa, blts, salads, stews, tacos, pizza...etc.  I'm loving it so far!  What do you all think-did you order a basket last week-are you enjoying it too??


  1. We normally washed the beets, boiled them and ate them with butter, salt, and pepper. I enjoy them a lot! If nothing else, at least your kids can try them out. If only I lived closer, I could take them off your hands for you. ;)

  2. If you get a chance to get mangoes in a box they are awesome to cut up and freeze after you let them rippen. We had many smoothies with them last year and they were DELICIOUS!!!
